Network solution of Optima telecom
Short description of the company:
In five years of work, Optima telecom has established itself as the second fixed telecommunication operator in Croatia. Telecommunication network of Optima is based on IP technology that provides greater networking through dominance of broadband networks and is present in more than 100 cities in Croatia. Current market potential of over half million connection supports over 2200 kilometers of fiber network that could include with their length all continental board of Croatia. Using the latest technologies and global telecommunication solutions, Optima creates additional value on the Croatian fixed telephony market.
Architecture of scalable and reliable WAN/MAN environment, core and MPLS system with a purpose in preparing a communication environment for applications and IP services, apropos Triple-play requirements. According to company position and image it is necessary to establish control over traffic and billing of special services. With market development, with requirements for higher speeds and capacity of communication system, it is required a migration on 10G networks. According with strict rules and policies of Optima telecom, the migration must be performed without failure and reduction in services and system maintenance.
Core network of Optima telecom is performed through central and regional nodes. In order to ensure service continuity, the entire system is designed as a high available (redundant) platform on „dual-vendor policy“ base. To establish control over the traffic and billing, it was implemented Cisco System's service control system (SCE-Service Control Engine). Implementation of this solution enables the provision of the „Red button“ or instantly increase of the traffic speed at the particular time. Additional system load has been caused by the implementation of Opti TV, digital television which led to the need for improvement in communication environment; by expanding capacity. With the aim in increasing of capacity, Optima telecom has launched a strategic decision about migrating to 10G cores.
Juniper Internet Core Routers provides high level of security, reliable performance, operational flexibility, centralized management and long period of usage. Due to the lack of technical capabilities of old (used) devices, it was required replacement of current devices with Juniper devices. In the first phase there was set M series of Juniper Networks Routers into computer network core as an external router that connects autonomous systems of Optima telecom and exchanges information about routing. It serves as a router that connects basic network with subnetworks and through it Internet connection is terminating to the world. The second phase was followed by the testing of Juniper's devices. By implementation of Juniper Networks devices in computer network core, Optima telecom has established high performances and reliability, which was followed with the expansion of their services on IPTV service.