Internet access
Access control and Internet billing system enables every hotel guest (visitor) connection on Internet with its laptop, tablet or smart phone via wire or wireless, at any time and from any location in hotel without adjusting the settings on its device.
ISAC control and Internet access billing system
Internet Secure Access Control is a system used to control Internet access for open networks, public and prepaid services that provide Internet service. Authenticates and serves as customer protection and access to Internet resources regardless of the equipment with which user connect. Includes the ability of traffic filtering, which meets the different needs of organizations like schools, hotels and companies and is independent to interfaces of Internet service provider (ISP) and technologies on local network (Wi-Fi, Ethernet, PLC,…).
- Hotels
- Auto camps
- Apartments
- Schools
- University campus
- Hospitals
- Railway stations
- Airports
- Passenger terminals
- City squares
- User authorization
- Traffic measuring
- Billing
- Terminal connection
- Connection limitations per time and traffic
- Bandwidth control
- Fast and easy implementation
- Easy to use
- Reliable equipment
- Low price of usage
- Security applications upgrade (outgoing antispam, web filtering…)