IT services
Consulting and design of the solution
We are a system integrator that will resolve your worries regarded to information technologies and solutions. Considering specific situation of your business, with our knowledge and expertise, we help in making the strategic decisions.
Service installation, configuration and administration of equipment
Per call we become an information service, helping you to perform your daily operations faster, better and easier.
Monitoring service of IT equipment
We care about information and communication systems to avoid work downtime or damages incurred in the case of IT system failure. We provide early problem detection, timely preventive action and if necessary we provide replacement equipment. Also, we periodically inform users about the state of IT system.
Current site survey service
This service needs to be done for quality evaluation of current situation of your IT environment, problem identifying and improvement of situation. Based on the collected data we prepare the strategic plan of development or IT environment consolidation.
Benefits for users
- Expert employees are dedicated to each segment of IT infrastructure
- Monitoring center secures rapid response in case of problem
- Minimization of risk and damage caused by business interruption due to incorrect equipment
- Fixed monthly fee, lower costs in management of IT infrastructure
- Following the new trends in ICT industry