Performance management
Charles Darwin ones said: „ Not the strongest survive, nor the most intelligent survive. Survive those who can best adapt to changes.“
Contact centers can be viewed as a living organism. Such complex organism must develop a mechanism to let head knows what the fingers have touched. In other words in the contact center we must be able to monitor what is happening in and around center so the managers can make right decisions. Once for the decision making was enough to know that agent can do 20 calls per hour and that the most calls are in period from 10 am to 2 pm. By expansion of communication channels our system must follow communication volume through all our channels: incoming and outgoing calls, e-mail, web chat, social networks,…
Beside that isn't enought only to know that the communication has been done, it is important to know communication quality, communication content and user satisfaction. But that's not all! It isn't enough to know what is happening, but it is important to react; learned information convert to new processes, do the education of all agents, reduce or increase number of agents in particular part of the day and other.
Systems that enable comprehensive view on state in contact centers and around them and implementation of that what we have learned from those information:
- Statistical system – system of historical and current data that are primarly related to the quantity of contacts and efficiency of agents' work (average talk time, load of agents,…). Also, these systems respond on question if the levels of services are satisfied (SLA) and how many requirements are met during the first call (1st call resolution). Indirect data from this kind of systems can be used in cost calculations of every interactions or contact.
- System for recording and quality assurance-call can be recorded for security of financial transactions as well as quality assurance. For quality assurance system gives to controllers ability to listen the subset of all recorded conversations and ability to rate it. Such functionality enables system to automaticaly „listen“ recoreded conversation and to detect particular words or even tone of the conversation. Recorded conversations can be used in education (example how something can or cannot be done), in grading the agents, the same can be forwarded on education in case if they don't satisfy, through recorded conversation you can check if the application and processes are optimally adjusted.
- Workforce management-using the data from statistical system on one side and information about the skills and quality of agents work on the other side; this kind of system predicts how much and which agents (skills) will be needed in the future. Examples of data that can be used can be for the same day last month or for the same period last year.
- Monitoring of customer satisfaction-although it is possible that during the conversation we ask the question whether the customer is satisfied with agent's work, information collected on that way is not reliable because the caller is under the impression of current conversation, and ultimately agent whose quality is evaluating sholud enter his grade into system. Therefore, monitoring of customer satisfaction is taken through IVR solution which except that frees agents, directly enter data into digital form that facilitates further analysis.
- eLearning system-enables preparation and distribution of education and educational materials in electronic form that simplifies organization and reduces expanses for agent education. This system works the best in conjuction with system for quality assurance in way that lower graded agents automaticaly get eLearning training when they sign in next time.
- It is important to note that this systems are independed and unconnected and can't give wanted and expected results. Being aware of this Avaya has developed comprehensive portfolio of solutions from this segment:
Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization
It helps to balance companies' business efficiency and effectivness with strategic usage of contact center. Basic purpose of the solution is the anaysis and provides collecting, analysis and working based on information, and all that with the aim in improvement of process of customer care and employment efficiency.
Call Management System
It is designed for complex contact centers with high volume of calls. The thing is about tool for data collecting, administration and reporting that helps in identifying operational problems and activity to resolve that problems.
Desktop Wallboard
This product enables to controllers improvement in agent's work by sending information about the performance and messages directly on display of agents' computer.
Avaya IQ is a contact center solution for analysis and report unification. This solution consolidates data from other Avaya solutions and business applications to provide views on activities of clients and agents.