Contact management
Simplicity version 1.0
Linking the advantages that unified communications bring in their daily operations, we built information systems intended for management of communication with clients. Simplicity is unique place for collecting, storing and communication management.
The basic purpose of Simplicity application is client interaction management. While designing the application, the aim was to allow users to monitor communication with their clients regardless on which employee was communicating with the client and when. Through proper monitoring and communication management with clients, the customer satisfaction increases because they get information on time and make communication more personal and easy. On the other hand due to the fact that all events are entered into database we get tools for monitoring the employees performances.
Terms clarification
Many english terms that are used in this application can be translated on croatian on more ways. Because of that there appeared a need to terms clarifications.
- User - person who uses the application
- Company - company in which employer works
- Client - physical or legal person who has a business relationship with the company. It may be physical or legal persons.
- Contact - in the case that the client is a physical person contact is the client and in the case of a legal person contact is an employee of the client
- Interaction - interaction with contact/client
- Note - additional customer information
Modul describe
Main menu
Regardless on which modul the user is located, on the top of the page there is a main menu which consist of the following:
- Client
- New interaction
- Reports
- Administration
In modul you can search for the clients, add them or modify. Modul is organized by tabs for easy visibility and to a computers with lower resolution, too.
Tab „Initial“
Information contained in this tab are:
- Name and surname of client
- OIB (Personal Identification Number)
- Is it a physical or legal person
- Identification in external application
- Value
- Adress (street, number, city, state)
- In special list there is a list of all contacts
- If you choose one of the contact from contact list you can see information regarded to that contact
On this tab there is a button for inserting a new client or new contact.
Tab „Notes“
On this tab you can enter or search notes about clients or contacts. Notes are intended as a way that person/user who is talking with the contact, can in a short period of time get a insight into person to whom he is speaking (not only name and surname but also the context). Notes are long to 1.000 characters and their purpose is to be flexible way for monitoring of the business with customers.
Example of notes:
- Note about send offer
- Note about intervention or installation on a site
- Note about the characteristics
- Note about debt
Notes are displayed as text paragraphs and may change. Also, there is a button for entering a new note.
Tab „Interaction“
On this tab you can search for interaction, that are listed as an interaction list, and with every click you can see details. On the list there are information:
- With which contacts interaction is achieved
- Which user has established interaction
- Type of interaction
- Reason
- Date and time
Selecting the interaction you are entering into a detailed examination in which, beside data examination you can change the data, but only if you have premission.
In a detailed examination data which can be seen, depends on the type of interaction. The following types of interaction:
- Meeting
- Phone call (incoming)
- Phone call (outgoing)
- Fax
Details include:
- Meeting:
- Contact
- User
- Reason
- Date and time
- Place
- Description
- Result
- Phone call (incoming)
- Contact
- User
- Reason
- Date and time
- Description
- Result
- Phone call (outgoing)
- Contact
- User
- Reason
- Date and time
- Description
- Result
- E-mail:
- Contact
- User
- Reason
- Date and time
- Subject (e-mail message)
- Body (e-mail message)
- Body (answer)
- Result
- Fax:
- Contact
- User
- Reason
- Date and time
- Description
- Result
Reason and result are predefinied by the administrator interface.
Tab „Products and services“
In this tab we can enter products and services that client has bought. Using that information we can in short time connect relevant data and help client and segment our clients, also.
Entered data:
- Product or service
- Date
- Value
Changing data in this tab is only available to premited users. Products are predefined through administrative interface.
New interaction
Modul new interaction is identical to modul „Clients“ beside it has an additional tab „Interaction“. Other tabs are the same. In tab interaction we enter following data:
- Client or Contact
- Type of interaction
Despite on type of interation we enter details for:
- Meeting:
- Reason
- Date and time
- Place
- Description
- Result
- Phone call (incoming):
- Reason
- Date and time (enters automaticaly with current date and time)
- Description
- Result
- Phone call (outgoing):
- Reason
- Date and time (enters automaticaly with current date and time)
- Description
- Result
- E-mail:
- Reason
- Date and time (enters automaticaly with current date and time)
- Subject: e-mail message
- Body: e-mail message
- Body: answer
- Result
- Fax:
- Reason
- Date and time
- Description
- Result
For entering the client and contact we use tabs in which we search them (tabs are Clients or Contacts). In both tabs you can search by e-mail adress, phone number, contact name or client name. Third is tab Anonimous where you enter only data that you have (name, phone number, e-mail adress).
In this modul is list of reports that is available to use. User can choose report and set report parameters to get data that he is interested in.
Modul administration enables setting the options that user (with defined premissions) can do. Following tabs are:
Enables administration of general parameters as are company name and adress.
Enables adding and administration of application user including their rights on every form. Data about the user that must be entered:
- Name
- Surname
- E-mail adress
- User name
- Password
- Service
- Premissions
Products and services
Enables entering the products and services. How deep and detailed it can go into definition depends on company, but these data don't have for aim copying the information from ERP application.
Reasons and results
Under reasons it means on reason for interaction while the result is indicator of interaction efficiacy . For every type of interaction user specially defines reasons, and for every reason of interaction, results are specially defined.