Hotel information
PowerTV introduces Hotel Magazine that on most effective way presents hotel and hotel services thereby increasing service sale. Hotel Magazine can consist of more than hundred multilingual info pages suited by the hotel needs. They can include information about phone numbers, hotel personnel, restaurants, bars, wellness, shops and other facilities in the hotel.
Advertising and sponsored pages
City Magazine is interactive guide that inform guest about nearest museums, exhibitions, restaurants, nightlife and access to sponsored sites where they advertise sport equipment, hi-tech, fashion, cars, luxurious goods, etc.
Conference services
Our staff is in possibility to create special information pages for certain conference in your hotel. Content includes main features of conference, agenda, registration of participants, etc. Beside that it is possible to establish and videoconferencing channel to which can be accessed via TV in the room only by authorized persons.
Hotel staff can via banners on television announce promotions inside house or send any other notice. Text is visible on every television in the hotel.
Guest survey
Customer satisfaction surveys can be filled via TV interface in electronic form. The results of survey are forwarded to hotel management team.