Solutions for smart classroom
Project Schools 2.0 began its work in early 2012., following a successful CARNet project e-Islands. It is educational project that will offer an appropriate educational and technological framework, using the advanced information and communication technologies according to the specific needs of each selected school.
Project Schools 2.0 is the backbone of e-education in Croatia, a large step towards the future of education. E-education allows teachers to perform the educational process with the use of multimedia and Internet for the purpose of improving the quality of learning. The aim of project is to connect as many schools on fast Internet connection and with the help of new technology provide better education and a better relationship with each other school.
The educational objectives are defined by Croatian Government in accordance with the national strategy for education and in accordance with the Croatian National Education Standard (HNOS):
- Improving the quality of education in schools located in rural areas
- To isolated schools with a lack of equipment enable education according to national standards via appropriate information and communication technologies
- Educational trainings for teachers about the usage of information and communication technologies and innovative tools and methods
- Enrolment of stakeholders of educational process into the e-community
In accordance to prepare teachers for conducting online classes it was necessary to educate some number of teachers via e-Learning academy and thus ensure that they become independent creators of online classes at their school. Furthermore educational technology models (ETM) were made in collaboration with external partners - teachers, who have already implemented the technology in their classes and have some practical experience and feedback from schools. The aim is to provide teachers better mutual communication through specific tasks which they cooperate on; to share their experience, get information about the project as well as all necessary materials.
System of smart classroom consist of:
- Software for management of classroom and learning materials through which teachers can manage interactive whiteboard and classroom content and have ability to create learning content and to share it with other teachers. It is a software solution that apart from just monitoring students' activities on computers, enables teachers to engage students and to track their progress using the smart, digital applications for learning. Teachers can create interactive lesson plans, run a quiz or survey, use the functionalities of auto-evaluation and monitoring of students' results in order to get reports about the success of each individual student.
- Computer equipment for teaching (tablets, notebook, standard computers, thin clients)
- Video-projection equipment (projectors, smart boards)
- Videoconferencing equipment
- Infrastructure - wired and wireless network
- Mobile device management software
- Learning materials and education
Smart classroom is a solution that within education curriculum includes the new and innovative way of teaching process and lectures by implementation of modern information communication technologies with the aim to increase innovation and collaboration in teaching process, to ensure better communication between teachers and students and to raise the overall efficiency of learning.
System provides:
1. To teachers:
- Supervision of students' activities and progress
- Creation of interactive teaching plans with shared content
- Creation of quizzes, tests or surveys in real-time and simultaneous access to students' grades
- Efficient administration
2. To students:
- Creativity, collaboration and use of critical thinking skills
- Easy access to learning materials, quizzes and presentations
- Contact with teacher without disturbing other students in the class
3. To IT admins:
- Remote access for monitoring and login to classroom computers
- Installation and management of security policies
- Easy support for teachers
Regarding this project STORM Grupa has implemented network and devices in several schools across Croatia. In these schools all classrooms and halls are covered by the wireless network to allow smooth use of this system. Also, company participates in setting and designing the solution and in implementation and education of teachers and schools' IT admins. This confirms our objective of raising digital competence by investing in the development of digitalization and linking the schools into a comprehensive network of permanent cooperation and information flow - creating a new dimension of education for all.
Demo classroom
We are able to provide you with the concept of smart classroom through interactive learning experience. Classroom is located on company's premises in Zagreb, but if necessary it is possible to organize a demonstration event on different locations.
Vezani dokumenti
- Solutions for smart classroom (pdf 784.37 KB)