
Short description of the company:
The main business of Medika is sales, storage and distribution of human and veterinary and medical products, equipment and dental supplies, dietary, cosmetic, hygiene and other health products. Most of the Medika's traffic is achieved through telephone sales department. In situations when orders come via e-mail, they are also checked via phone and is necessary that all customers are satisfied.
Medika's sales department is organized on four locations and on the same locations are situated local warehouses, too. Market requires closer relationship with customers and because of that all greater customers have their personal sales referent. Problem in that kind of organization is the possibility that current sales person isn't available or isn't in the office, Medika on that way can lose its traffic. On the other side some of the referents had two phones with two different phone numbers to be available to customers. Each location wasn't connected with other locations and thus there wasn't any redundancy.
Medika has set some goals according to contact center implementation:
- Simplification of referent work
- Increase of availability (call forwarding to other referents and “spillover” between locations)
- Better insight into sale referents’ work
STORM Informatika has implemented Avaya solution for small and medium contact centers - Avaya Contact Express together with platform for IP telephony - Avaya Communication Manager. Total duration of implementation process was defined by customer's wish that each location needs to be tested in real conditions before commissioning of the next one. Implementation process has been performed in several phases:
- Detection of requests
- Preparation of customized solutions
- Installation of applications
- Installation of customized solutions
- Tests of preparedness
- Commissioning by locations
After completion of the project, Medika has facilitated work to their referents because they can concentrate on their customer with who they are talking at the moment while the system take care that new incoming contacts will be distributed on other colleagues. In case that call isn't still been answered, STORM Informatika has developed special application for recording the missed calls. It is especially important that today Medika has correct information about availability of their referents and their results.