Storm Informatika and Juniper Networks participated in the IDC Cloud Leadership, Enterprise and Social media forum 2013

IDC Cloud Leadership, Enterprise Mobility and Social media forum 2013 was held in hotel Antunović, Zagreb on 16th of October. Storm Informatika in collaboration with Juniper Networks held a presentation focusing on the relationship of Cloud technology in the perspective of virtualization and SDN (Software Defined Network).
Analytical company IDC Adriatics in collaboration with its partners held a fifth conference on the theme of cloud computing IDC Cloud Leadership, Enterprise Mobility and Social Media Forum 2013, which was attended by hundred of end users, service providers and media representatives.
Cloud computing is becoming a viable option for improving business skills, efficiency and is a role model of innovations in IT companies. Thus that perception of doing business in the cloud is continuously changing. Cloud technology has become the most dynamic segment of the ICT market with great expectations for the future. Depending on the specific market and customer needs, as the most dynamic has proven virtual private cloud which leads to customers needs for control and safety. This is the reason why mobility and mobile business, connection with the new elements of the IT mix, new applications, platforms and social networks have been one of the top issues of the conference.
Storm Informatika in collaboration with the company Juniper Networks held a presentation on the topic „The perfect couple – Cloud & SDN“. Michael Fritz, (Lead Partner Manager CEE, Juniper) presented three important contexts regarding to Cloud computing.
- What you need for work on Cloud based infrastructure? Cloud technology in the perspective of Virtualization and SDN (Software Defined Networking).
- What trends are affecting on the development of Cloud solutions today and in the next few years?
- How is Juniper apart from other vendors and why JUNOS (Juniper core operating system) supports Cloud infrastructure better than other vendors?
Croatian IT market is in decline for the last 5 years, while the Cloud service market is in constant growth. Representatives of the croatian and global IT companies talked about that theme through their vision of the current state of the domestic IT market in the final discussion of the conference.
In order how they see the development of their companies and in what will be the most invested in the future, conference participants had the opportunity to respond through the online survey. We came to final decision; the majority of investment will be in the mobility, social networks, big data and cloud services.
Vezani dokumenti
- The perfect couple - Cloud & SDN (pdf 3.03 MB)