Opening ceremony of the newly renovated computer classroom was held in elementary school Pećine. The classroom is equipped with the newest computer equipment worth 60.000,00 HRK which is a donation → read more
IDC Cloud Leadership, Enterprise Mobility and Social media forum 2013 was held in hotel Antunović, Zagreb on 16th of October. Storm Informatika in collaboration with Juniper Networks held a presentation → read more
Juniper Networks and DSC Slovenia organize another training in a series of short technical trainings for end user. This month the training is organized on the topics of Wi-Fi solutions → read more
STORM Grupa Open, the seventh tournament of PBZ Trophy series of tournaments, was held on Saturday, 08th September 2012. → read more
In the HQ of the company was held presentation of the STORM Grupa, as a one of the leading system integrator on the domestic IT market. STORM Grupa consist of → read more